What Do Cuties Do on Summer Vacation?
May 20, 2016
Picture something cute, small and with an orange coat. No, it isn’t a kitty… it is a Cutie! They are kid-sized citrus fruit that are fun to eat and easy to peel.
From November through May Cuties are available as a fresh fruit side option for Happy Meals and Mighty Kids Meals and are available a la carte.
But what happens to Cuties when they’re no longer offered at McDonald’s?
Thinking about California
All winter long, Cuties are spread across the country. They brave the snow and cold to bring sunshine everywhere they go! But now they’re heading back to their homes in California’s San Joaquin Valley.
Summer Sunbathing… No SPF 50 Needed
Why do the Cuties skip the sunblock? Because they peel! Yuk! Yuk!
All summer long, the Cuties trees get the sunshine and water they need to get ready to produce one of America’s favorite fruits for the following season.
Growing stronger… Bit by bit
Cuties come from two types of mandarin orange trees, Clementine and W. Murcott. They are very a-peel – ing because they’re seedless, sweet, kid-sized and an Excellent source of Vitamin C.
Cuties Season
By October, the Cuties are back on the trees, but they are green and unripe. Starting in November they turn orange and the Cuties are ready to be picked! The Cuties season lasts all the way through May.
That’s a lot of Cuties!
Over that time, McDonald’s grower Sun Pacific will produce more than 55 million cartons of cuties per year.
Fresh Fruit
During peak season, and barring any weather events, McDonald’s Cuties are picked, washed and ready to ship within 48 hours to McDonald’s distribution centers.
More Cuties Than You Could Ever Dream Of!
Sun Pacific has a state-of-the-art 600,000 square foot packing facility that lets them wash and ship more than 55 million cartons of Cuties per year. Since McDonald’s starting offering Cuties, it has served nearly 60 million to customers. That’s a Cutie for nearly every person in California and Florida.
Oranges make us Smile
Since we don’t have Cuties in the summer, enjoy our apple slices!