This Assistant Manager gained the title “Mama McDonald’s” after going the extra mile to support crew members
October 24, 2022
How it all started
At the McDonald’s in Lynn, Massachusetts there’s one crew member who is taking on more than her role requires. Her name is Andrea De La Rosa and she’s known as Mama McDonald’s.
Andrea first gained the title “Mama McDonald’s” when she started a new shift and noticed that a lot of the crew members she was managing were in high school and needed guidance.
“They come to me for every little thing, whether it was personal, or work related, whatever they needed I always made myself available to them,” said Andrea.
Some of the crew don’t have a support system at home, and she’s tried to fulfill that role.
“The fact Andrea has helped them out in this way means a lot, the area is mostly low income, so a lot of the kids look for support because they’re lacking it at home,” said Owner/Operator Lindsay Wallin.
While Andrea has attended many high school graduations for her “kids”, Emanuel Graham is one of the most recent she’s helped.

She treats me as if I’m her child. She always checks up on me to make sure I have everything I need, and I really appreciate it because not having my parents, she’s made it feel as if I have one right here,” said Emanuel.
When it came to applying to colleges, he was unsure of the process. But Andrea saw this as an opportunity to help him reach his goal. “When he came to me and said he wanted to apply, I sat him down and we filled out applications on my lunch break.”
That support paid off and Emanuel decided to attend UMass Lowell to study business marketing. The restaurant also gave him a special goodbye with gift cards and gear to help him on his new journey.

“Every child deserves to have a parent or someone standing in their corner, the kids are our future and if they get the right push they can exceed and excel in life,” said Andrea.