Shining a Spotlight on Our Global Award Winners

August 24, 2020

Presidents' Award, which honors the top one percent of staff globally. This year, we’re proud to celebrate 125 high-achieving individuals who have inspired and enabled those around them to deliver outstanding results.

Circle of Excellence Award, which showcases cross-functional teams that have come together to meaningfully Accelerate the Arches. We honored 15 outstanding teams from across the business in 2021, each of which is a testament to the long-term success we can achieve when partnering together.

Shining Light Award, a peer-nominated award that recognizes employees who have made an outstanding individual contribution. This year, we’re recognizing 221 individuals for how they brought our Values to life in meaningful and impactful ways.

 2021 Three-Legged Stool Winners, which recognizes support for Ronald McDonald House Charities. These nine amazing McDonald’s employees, franchisees, and suppliers were selected for their significant contributions to RMHC at a local, regional, or national level. 

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