We're teaming up to save school lunch

May 15, 2020

Michael R. | Franchisee | Montcalm, Michigan, USA

We came together to keep lunchtime happening for kids

When schools close, it's not just education and parent peace of mind that suffer. Millions of kids across the country miss out on their most important - sometimes only - meal of the day.

The community has given so much to our restaurants, it's an honor for us to be able to help them through a time like this.

Here in Montcalm and Ionia, we're teaming up with IM Kids 3rd Meal to continue to offer kids healthy school lunches.

School shutdowns across Michigan left a lot of kids without a reliable source of lunch day by day. We knew we needed to do what we can, so we reached out to a partner we've worked with before, IM Kids 3rd Meal, and they worked with us to get a system in place to provide meals to almost 3 and a half thousand kids in Montcalm and Ionia school districts.

We've delivered healthy meals to nearly 3,500 students (and counting).

So far, we've helped out with about 20,000 items—classic school lunch food like apple slices, yogurts, juice and milk. We're really aware of everybody's safety, so we set up a system where schools can pick up the items from IM Kids 3rd Meal directly, and they'll load them up.

This feels personal to us because some of our crew are in the same boat. They've got kids home from school needing to eat. We're proud to be part of this community and we're proud to do our part.

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