McDonald’s Hong Kong Switches to Wooden Cutlery to Reduce Plastic Waste

wooden cutlery over a yellow background

December 16, 2022

McDonald’s is on a mission to create more sustainable packaging around the world. In fact, as of 2021, over 82% of our global primary guest packaging materials – and 96.8% of our primary fiber packaging – come from recycled or certified sources. We’re aiming to hit 100% by the end of 2025.

Hong Kong McDonald’s Sustainability Efforts

If you want to see these changes happening in real time, look no further than Hong Kong, where McDonald’s restaurants and McCafé stores are phasing out plastic cutlery and accompanying bags in favor of wooden forks, spoons and knives. Once complete, McDonald’s Hong Kong estimates that the initiative will help cease the consumption of more than 90 million pieces of plastic per year.

“McDonald’s has been a part of Hong Kong’s social fabric for the past 47 years,” says Randy Lai, CEO of McDonald’s Hong Kong. “Over the years, we have been incorporating sustainability concepts in our business strategy and operations to help contribute to a greener planet. By encouraging our customers to make small changes every day, we go the extra mile to help protect the environment with our customers.”

Leading the Charge in Sustainable Packaging and Utensils

This isn’t the first time McDonald’s Hong Kong has made changes to its packaging or daily operations to help create a more sustainable restaurant experience. In 2021, the Market ditched plastic straws, replacing them with newly designed strawless lids on all iced drinks. Before that, in 2018, McDonald’s Hong Kong set its sights on eliminating foam packaging altogether and transitioning to paperless transactions through the McDonald’s App since 2020.

This latest initiative is even accompanied by a meaningful message to the next generation. A new series of Happy Meal books offers lessons in looking out for the environment, including how our youngest diners can help reduce plastic use, protect forests and save energy. 

It’s just one way McDonald’s is making its packaging more sustainable around the globe – one bite at a time.